UMA DEATH ROLL (Slow Sinking) [Brand New]
- Condition: Brand New
- Length: 150 mm (5.9 inch)
- Weight: 33 g (1.2 oz.)
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A Revolutionary 3-Segment Rotating Bait
Swimming Action
1. A Game-Changing Lure for Unprecedented Bass Engagement Through Powerful First Impressions

Bass are curious creatures, highly reactive and aggressive toward objects they've never seen before. That's why lure manufacturers are constantly innovating to make baits that gives strong first impression. In 2023, Imakatsu is launching a lure that provides an intense first impression on bass. Despite its straightforward appearance and straightforward swimming action, the UMA Death Roll generates significant water agitation, much like hard crankbaits or even more so.
The complex nature of the three intricately shaped parts has led to increased costs of the molding, painting, and assembly processes. However, this complexity has allowed Imakatsu to achieve unparalleled control over water flow and swimming actions that were previously unattainable.
2. Mimic an Unidentified Living Thing with a Simple Retrieve

The UMA Death Roll features a 2-joint, 3-segment body design. At dead-slow to fast retrieving speed, the front body rotates to the left, the center body remains stationary, and the rear body rotates to the right, creating a straight-swimming, unrecognizable object that bass have never seen before. Its swimming action resembles the Unidentified Mysterious flying Animal known as "Skyfish."
3. Reignites Interest in Wary Bass with Unseen Walk The Dog

By twitching, the UMA Death Roll performs walk-the-dog action with limited distance. It rolls its front and rear bodies while swaying its head side-to-side, offering an unfamiliar walk-the-dog action that even the cautious big bass cannot resist.
4. Catch Bass Easily with Topwater Fast Retrieve + Walk-The-Dog

The easiest way to catch bass with UMA DEATHROLL is to retrieve it fast at the surface, much like a buzzbait. It creates intense water agitation, splashing, and noise, attracting bass from afar. If you notice a bass chasing, switch to walk-the-dog action. Given its short travel distance, you can repeatedly perform this action right in front of a chasing bass.
5. Adjust Weight for Mid-Depth Bass
The UMA Death Roll allows for range adjustments by attaching a TG Grenade Weight Quick Changer. Select the weight depending on your target depth and reeling speed. For example, attach a 2.5g (3/32oz) weight and slow-retrieve to swim around 3ft.(1.5m). For the same depth but faster retrieve, choose a heavier weight; for slower, go lighter. Recommended weights range from 1.8g (1/16oz) to 3.5g (1/8oz).
6. Continuous Appeal Even During its Fall
When equipped with the TG Grenade Weight Quick Changer, the UMA Death Roll becomes sinking, allowing you to draw chasing bass to the bottom. At depths where anglers are out of sight, shaking the UMA Death Roll can elicit bites from bass much like a soft-plastic would.
The rotating parts used in the joints may wear out over time due to debris, metal fatigue, or impact. Replacement parts will be available in our store, and they can be easily swapped out using a precision screwdriver.
- Condition: Brand New
- Length: 150 mm (5.9 inch)
- Weight: 33 g (1.2 oz.)

(*depend on country as below)
– Middle East : 9 working days*
– Oceania : 3 to 6 working days*
– Asia 1 to 6 working days*

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