We’ve just revamped our site!!

We’ve just revamped our site!!

Hello all anglers in the world!!
We are Japan Fishing Tackle from Japan☺

As we are selling on ebay, we have been providing thousands of Japanese fishing tackles produced by Megabass, Deps, OSP, Evergreen, LuckyCraft etc. since 2016. However, we have noticed that there are still many potential customers who are not on ebay. Thus we decided to open our own EC site. Our first site was tremendously cool designed. However, the performance of the site was terrible... Thus, focusing  on site performance, we have revamped our site. 


We’ve got over 900 reviews on ebay since 2016.


To shop with us on our own EC site, we promise you some big merits.

Big merits to shop with us on our own EC site

Useful serach experience

On ebay, we can register only few categories because of ebay system restriction.
However, on our own EC site, we can design unlimited and organized categories (and also recommendations).
Thus, you can reach what you want easier?

Flat US$ 10 shipping cost

On ebay, we charge our customer additional US$ 1 shipping cost for each additional lures they purchased.
The reason why we charge is that ebay force sellers to handle complecated operations which waste our time.
On the other hand, on our new EC site, we have achieved to design ideal operation.
Anyway, we believe that many cusotmers can purchase more lures at once so that they can save shipping cost.

Although there might be still some difficulty to use this site,we are trying to improve it day by day.

We really hope that we can provide more people Japanese fishing tackle to make their memorial fishing experience☺